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1.58 dimensions may be a place where states without energy loss exist, and could be used for energy-efficient information processing. This idea comes from research by physicists at Utrecht University and experimentalists at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 


  • 1.58 dimensions is a fractal dimension that can be found in structures like the Sierpiński triangle, Romanesco broccoli, and the brain. 
  • Fractals are structures that scale in a different way than normal objects, and are called “self-similar structures”. 
  • The Sierpiński triangle is a fractal made up of infinitely many nested smaller triangles. It has infinite length if drawn from line segments, and zero area if carved from a solid triangle. 
  • The research suggests that topological insulators may exist at 1.58 dimensions. 
  • The research suggests that lossless currents could run around many of the holes in fractals, which could be used for energy efficient processing of information.